
Here are the commands you can use with the !scan prefix :

  • !scan hello: Sends a greeting message.

  • !scan balance [address or ens]: Returns the Ethereum balance of the specified Ethereum address or ENS name.

  • !scan gas: Returns the current gas price.

  • !scan balancemulti [address or ens] [address or ens]...: Returns the Ethereum balances of multiple Ethereum addresses or ENS names.

  • !scan eth: Returns the current ETH price in USD.

  • !scan ethsupply: Returns the current total ETH supply.

  • !scan blockreward [blocknumber]: Returns the block reward for the specified block number.

  • !scan blocksmined [address or ens]: Returns the last 20 blocks mined by the specified Ethereum address or ENS name.

  • !scan ens [address or ens]: Resolves the Ethereum address for the specified ENS name.

  • !scan portfolio [address or ens]: Returns the token balances of the specified Ethereum address. It may take longer to respond on accounts with a large number of tokens.

  • !scan portfoliopic [address or ens]: Returns a pie chart of the specified Ethereum address's portfolio. It may take longer to respond on accounts with a large number of tokens.

!scan hello

This command sends a greeting message to the channel. To use this command, simply type !scan hello in the chat.

!scan gas

This command returns the current gas price. To use this command, simply type !scan gas in the chat.

!scan balance

This command returns the Ethereum balance of the specified Ethereum address or ENS name. To use this command, type !scan balance [address or ens] in the chat, replacing [address or ens] with the Ethereum address or ENS name you want to check. For example, !scan balance 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045 or !scan balance myethereumaddress.eth.

!scan balancemulti

This command returns the Ethereum balances of multiple Ethereum addresses or ENS names. To use this command, type !scan balancemulti [address or ens] [address or ens]... in the chat, replacing [address or ens] with the Ethereum address or ENS name you want to check. You can specify as many addresses or ENS names as you want. For example, !scan balancemulti 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045 myensname.eth.

!scan eth

This command returns the current ETH price in USD. To use this command, simply type !scan eth in the chat.

!scan ethsupply

This command returns the current total ETH supply. To use this command, simply type !scan ethsupply in the chat.

!scan blockreward

This command returns the block reward for the specified block number. To use this command, type !scan blockreward [blocknumber] in the chat, replacing [blocknumber] with the block number you want to check. For example, !scan blockreward 17118339.

!scan blocksmined

This command returns the last 20 blocks mined by the specified Ethereum address or ENS name. To use this command, type !scan blocksmined [address or ens] in the chat, replacing [address or ens] with the Ethereum address or ENS name you want to check. For example, !scan blocksmined 0x690B9A9E9aa1C9dB991C7721a92d351Db4FaC990 or !scan blocksmined builder0x69.eth.

!scan ens

This command resolves the Ethereum address for the specified ENS name. To use this command, type !scan ens [ens name] in the chat, replacing [ens name] with the ENS name or Ethereum address you want to check. For example, !scan ens myensname.eth.

!scan portfolio

This command returns the token balances of the specified Ethereum address. It may take longer to respond on accounts with a large number of tokens. To use this command, type !scan portfolio [address or ens] in the chat, replacing [address or ens] with the Ethereum address or ENS name you want to check. For example, !scan portfolio 0xB60f993f6D7B20FFBb98e9aC8bF4B52657F8A1D5 or !scan portfolio vitalik.eth. If the message exceeds the Discord character limit, it will give you the Etherscan link where you can view the address's balances.

!scan portfoliopic

This command returns a pie chart of the specified Ethereum address's portfolio. It may take longer to respond on accounts with a large number of tokens. To use this command, type !scan portfoliopic [address or ens] in the chat, replacing [address or ens] with the Ethereum address or ENS name you want to check. !scan portfoliopic 0xB60f993f6D7B20FFBb98e9aC8bF4B52657F8A1D5 or !scan portfoliopic vitalik.eth.

Last updated